About this website
In 2012 we prematurely lost Jean Jacques Peters, Hydraulic Engineer and Honorary Professor, one of the pre-eminent world specialists in river morphology, water movement and sediment transport. During his lifetime he always planned to gather his work and knowledge so it could be passed on to future generations. Sadly these plans never materialised.
Flanders Hydraulics Research – the research institute which is part of the Department of Mobility and Public Works of the Flemish Government – has created Potamology, an archive in memory of Jean Jacques Peters. The title of the website refers to the classic name for the scientific study of rivers, a name Peters wanted to reinstate. The website aims to preserve and disseminate his way of thinking and his morphological approach to river problems all over the world.
The potamology website will continuously grow and evolve. We are confident this initiative will inspire individuals and institutions worldwide from the field of potamology, fostering collaboration and a greater understanding of our field.