New disposal strategy for the Westerschelde

Overview of the dredging (red) and disposal locations (near sandbar: dark green - secondary channel: light green - main channel: white) in the Westerschelde.
A strategy for managing the Westerschelde’s morphology
1999 till 2001
Within the framework of a Long term Vision for the Scheldt estuary, the innovative idea of morphological management was proposed by the independent Port of Antwerp Expert Team (PAET, composed of Peters, Parker, Cunge, Stevens, Meade). The new disposal strategy in the Western Scheldt near the Walsoorden sandbar was suggested as a pilot case.
Project sheet (incl. documents)
Alternative disposal strategy Walsoorden - feasibility study
2002 till 2003
The new idea of the alternative disposal strategy was investigated by Flanders Hydraulics Research (FHR). The Walsoorden sandbar which had been assigned by PAET as a pilot case was the study area. PAET performed the research methodology as well as the evaluation of the feasibility of the disposal strategy based on the research results.
The study of FHR was funded by PROSES, and a second opinion was performed by an international expert group (Berlamont, Hamm, Stive, van der Kreeke, Dyer). The second opinion confirmed the results of the feasibility research.
Project sheet (incl. documents)
Alternative disposal strategy Walsoorden - in situ disposal test 2004
2003 till 2007
While the results of the feasibility research showed that no results opposed the feasibility, it was decided to have an in situ test to get final prove. In 2004 a first disposal test (500.000 m3) was executed near the Walsoorden sandbar, using a diffuser to dispose the dredged material quietly in shallow water. An intensive monitoring programme (+ evaluation criteria) were defined in collaboration with PAET to evaluate the success of the test. The monitoring consisted of MBES, tracers, sediment transport and ecological monitoring. Most of monitoring was performed by external contractors (contracts with Flemish government).
J.J. Peters was a member of the steering committee that performed the follow-up of the monitoring and the results.
In 2006 FHR evaluated this disposal test and organized a workshop where the results were presented.
Project sheet (incl. documents)
Implementation of the new disposal strategy within the deepening of the navigation channel in the Western Scheldt
2007 till 2009
Based on the positive results of the 2 in situ disposal tests, the concept of morphological disposal was integrated in the disposal strategy in the Western Scheldt during the 3rd deepening of the navigation channel. During the environmental impact assessment (EIA) this alternative with the morphological disposal along sandbars was evaluated as the most environmental suited alternative. Based on the results from the EIA, further research to optimize the disposal strategy was performed at FHR. J.J. Peters was a member of the research team, and performed a role of external advisor and revisor within this study.
Project sheet (incl. documents)
In situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar using the traditional dumping technique
2005 till 2010
In 2006 a second disposal test (500,000 + 900,000 m³) was executed near the Walsoorden sandbar, using the traditional clapping technique to dispose the dredged sediments. An intensive monitoring programme (+ evaluation criteria) were defined based on the experience of the first test. The monitoring consisted of MBES, sediment transport and ecological monitoring. Most of monitoring was performed by external contractors (contracts with Flemish government).
J.J. Peters was a member of the steering committee that performed the follow-up of the monitoring and the results.
In 2010 FHR evaluated this second disposal test and organized a workshop where the results were presented.
Project sheet (incl. documents)